Thursday, September 4, 2008

Re: Where are all the real conservatives?

Andrew Sullivan seems to think the problems with the current Republican Party have been blurred together with the idea of conservatism, thus obstructing it. He argues that for conservative ideals, which he finds appealing, to be viable again, the conservatives essentially need to start from scratch. 

This obviously raises the point of what a terrible hair day I'm having today. I tend to alternate between hair products. I buy one. I think its great. It IS great. By the time its empty though, I'm less satisfied. I get to Rite Aid and find myself attracted to the ideology of another product. I bring it home, and I know I made the right decision. By the time that runs out though, I'm again unsatisfied. I start remembering how good things were with that other product, so I want to go back to it. Or maybe I decide to buy a product that reminds me of the ideals of the original product, but packaged in a newer and more appealing way. 

The situation was desperate today. My hair is clearly on the wrong track and I'm going to see Daniel Radcliffe naked tomorrow. Daniel Radcliffe can't nakedly see me when my hair looks like this. Nor can the millions of gays that will surely be in the audience with me. I need CHANGE, and I need it by tomorrow at 8 PM. 

The cynic in me feels that our politics is tragically similar to my hair. Its a constant state of disappointment. It would be unheard of in modern politics for the same party to have two two-term presidencies in a row. By the time a party is running for its 3rd or 4th term, they've fucked enough things up that the opposition party can say, "Hey look, they suck too. Why don't you try us again?" And we do.

On the other hand, this cycle may be the beauty of democracy. I think what I've come to accept is that I will never find a hair product that I will be satisfied with for all time, but for the most part, my hair usually looks fine. 

Maybe the liberals get a few years to go crazy, but the modern conservatives get a few years to put their foot on the breaks. I think if you take a step back from that, the result over time is change, but measured change, and I believe that is your definition of true conservatism. It doesn't really have anything to do with my hair, but I think people on either side of the debate would probably be OK with it. Alright chief I'm going to bed, I've got a big day tomorrow. I'm gonna see Harry Potter's who-ha. 

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